About Us
About Us

The company logo for Gamebook Studios went through several iterations before it was finalized. My initial concept was that of a book with a keyboard and/or a controller attached, but as time passed, and on the advice of friends and family, I reduced the design to the simple book format you see today.

The font for the words "Gamebook Studios" is an original font I designed, intended to soften the feel of the company and portray its sense of playfulness. The company slogan, "Play with power", is written in two fonts: the words "play with" in 30 pt. Vladimir Script, and the word "power" in 30 pt. Hobo Std. The text on the grey navigation buttons is written in Adobe Garamond Pro in two different sizes: 17.76 pt. for small text and 24.21 pt. for large text. Everything thing else written on the website is written in varying sizes of the web default font "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif".

The logo and the display of the catchphrase were created using Adobe Photoshop CS4 (version 11.0.2).

The section logos, as seen left and at the top of the page, were designed by my long-time friend Frank Marsters (also known as Paeregrine.cast). Frank, being a talented web designer, recommended to me that I might try a simpler image for Gamebook Studios' logo. I was torn between my own logo and the elegant logo Frank had created as an alternative, so I compromised by deciding to use Frank's logo as the logo for each main section, changing the colors to match each section. Pictured left is the "About Us" logo, colored blue to reflect the section's theme.